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Connecting AmneziaVPN on Android TV

In this guide, we will cover how to connect to AmneziaVPN using a file in one of the formats .vpn, .ovpn, .conf, .json, or via a backup file, as well as how to connect to Amnezia Free directly through the app.

Connecting Using a Configuration File or Backup File

A configuration file differs from a backup file in that a configuration file allows you to connect only one key (e.g., a key from Amnezia Free or Amnezia Premium), while a backup file transfers all your connections at once.

Step 1

Install the Amnezia VPN app on your Android TV.

Step 2

Install the Send Files to TV app on both devices (your Android TV and the device sending the file).

This is one of the easiest ways to transfer a file to Android TV, but you can also use other file transfer apps or a USB drive.

Step 3

Install a file manager, such as Fx File Manager, on your Android TV.

Step 4

Grant the file manager necessary permissions.

Go to Apps, then select App Permissions.

Choose Storage.

Toggle the switch next to the file manager icon to enable it.

Step 5

Obtain the configuration file.

From Amnezia Premium

In your personal account:

You can access your personal account in two ways:

  • Via the link from the first email containing your key.
  • By clicking the gear icon next to an already connected "Amnezia Premium" in the AmneziaVPN app.

Save the file to your device.

From Amnezia Self-Hosted VPN

If you’ve set up a VPN on your own server:

  • Open the app.
  • Tap the Share icon on the bottom panel.
  • Select the desired server, protocol, and connection format For the Amnezia VPN app.
  • Tap Share twice to save the file to your device.

For more details, refer to the guide - How to Share a Connection.

Restore Settings from a Backup

If you want to transfer all your existing connections to Android TV, create a backup file:

Step 6

The following steps apply to all cases.

Open Send Files to TV on the device you’re transferring the file from. Select SEND.

Choose the folder where you saved the file (usually the Download folder, but it could be different).

Select the saved file.

Then, choose your Android TV as the destination device.

Step 7

Open Send Files to TV on your Android TV.

Grant access to files.


The file will automatically download to your Android TV.

Step 8

Open AmneziaVPN on your Android TV. On the first screen, tap Get Started, then select File with Connection Settings.

Choose the file.

Tap Connect.

Then press the Connect button again.

Connecting to Amnezia Free via the App

Step 1

Open the app directly on your Android TV, tap Get Started, and on the first screen, select "VPN from Amnezia".

Step 2

Choose "Amnezia Free".

Step 3

Tap "Connect".

Step 4

Grant permission to connect.

Step 5

Tap "Connect" again.

Let me know if you need further assistance!

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