Connection with Key as text
You can only connect to an existing VPN. There are several ways to do this.
- Scanning a QR code
- Entering the key as text (configuration) into the application
- Importing a configuration file into the application
Here we will discuss connecting via text key.
If you need to create your own VPN, refer to the setup guide - [VPN installation on server].
Install the Amnezia app
On the first screen, the application will ask for your connection details. This is the data of the VPS server.
Select "I have data to connect".
Choose the data type you have
In these instructions, we will look at connecting via a text key, so choose "Open a config file, key or QR-code".
The key must start with VPN:///
Do not use keys from public sources, they may have been posted for the purpose of intercepting your personal data.
If your connection data is in a different format, please refer to the sections connecting using QR code, file, or Installing VPN on Server.
Select "Key as text".
Enter the connection key at the prompt.
On this screen you can view the contents of the key Next, click "Connect".
Wait for Amnezia to configure your VPN.
Click the "Connect" button.