Connecting with a config file
Connecting can only be done to an existing VPN. There are several ways to do this:
- Scanning a QR code
- Entering the key as text (configuration) into a field
- Importing a configuration file into the application
Here, we'll focus on connecting using a file.
If you need to create your own VPN, refer to the instruction - Installing VPN on Server.
Install the Amnezia app
On the first screen, the application will ask for your connection details. This is your VPS server data.
Select "I have data to connect".
Select the type of data you have
In this instruction we will consider connection via a configuration file, so select "Open a config file, key or QR code". The file should be in .vpn, .conf or .ovpn format.
Do not use files from public sources, they may have been posted for the purpose of capturing your personal data.
Click on "Connection settings file", then select the file on your device.
Next, click "Connect".
Wait for Amnezia to configure your VPN.
Click on the "Connect" button on the main screen.